April 2021.Priorities
On the surface, I probably seem like I prioritize math. On the inside, I also mainly think about math. No secrets here, you know what I'm about.
Natural & Digital
October 2019.Natural & Digital
Order in and beyond nature. Organically mathematical, but purely digital.
Two of these pieces were included in the Bridges 2020 JMM exhibition. Click the titles of the pieces for better resolution.
Created with basic, individually repeated, manual transformations.
Field Fractals
August 2019.Field Fractals
Ten photographs of corn, soybeans, and wind turbines in Central Illinois, overlaid with fractals made from Tubbs & Co. wood type, found in the Internet Archive. Original photographs on left. Wood type here. Use the arrows to explore all ten!
Coming Out of the Kleinbottle
June 2019.Coming Out of the Kleinbottle
The Gender Fractal
June 2019.The Gender Fractal
These two are for all of the queer mathematicians. Math is ours as much as anyone else's.
The Leemur Tales
May 2019.The Leemur Tales
A fractal of lemur tails and eyes, burned into wood. Displayed in my undergraduate math department during my hiatus for medical treatment, as a reminder that this was just one step in my tale, and I will be back, and I will move on after that as well.
One of many pieces from a math and art class taught at Rose-Hulman. My professor's presentation on lessons learned from teaching the class is here, featuring more of my art.
One of many pieces from a math and art class taught at Rose-Hulman. My professor's presentation on lessons learned from teaching the class is here, featuring more of my art.